Federal Social Insurance Office
Federal Social Insurance Office
The rights of third parties, in particular to image material, remain reserved.
Project Management Matthieu Leimgruber, History Department, University of Zurich; Martin Lengwiler, History Department, University of Basel; Carola Togni, Haute école de travail social et de la santé Lausanne
Editorial Team
Bettina Blatter, Alan Canonica, Urs Germann, Lukas Hartmann, Matthieu Leimgruber, Martin Lengwiler, Beat Stüdli, Carola Togni, Anina Zahn
Illustration Research
Urs Germann, Silas Gusset, Lukas Hartmann, Martina Roder, Lukas Rytz, Beat Stüdli, Carola Togni, Anina Zahn
Urs Hafner
Scientific Board
Regula Argast, Pädagogische Hochschule Bern; Nadine Fink, Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud; Brigitte Studer, Université de Berne; Jean-Pierre Tabin, Haute école de travail social et de la santé Lausanne HETSL (HES-SO)
Federal Social Insurance Office, Yvonne Kunz, John Bendix
Metagrid (www.metagrid.com)
Technical Execution
4eyes GmbH, Basel, Andi Keller
Crossfive Werbeagentur GmbH, Basel
The rights of others have been clarified wherever possible. However, conclusive clarification is not always possible in the case of historical pictures. Individuals asserting such claims are therefore kindly requested to contact the principal.